Going Home for the Holidays

pic courtesy of blog.moveguiedes.com

pic courtesy of blog.moveguiedes.com

The holiday season is in full swing and it is time to reconnect with loved ones, friends and old acquaintances. During the hustle and bustle of shopping for the perfect gift and deciding which party to attend it is also time to reevaluate what is important.

If you live away from friends and family, this may be the time to go home for the holidays.

Going home for the holidays can be stressful but there are 3 points that can make the trip home more bearable. If you are rethinking the possibly of going home for the holidays consider the following reasons before totally deciding against the idea. Going home for the holidays is: a time to reconnect with friends and family, a time for rest, relaxation and rejuvenation, as well as a time to enjoy family traditions.

You might think why would I want the hassle of going home? Well, if you have a home to go to and it represents a place of harmony, then why not? The time to reconnect with family and friends you haven’t seen or had a chance to visit is priceless. The holidays are usually a time when certain business close for a day or two to allow time for family. Being home allows you to remember time gone pass. This is also a great opportunity to catch up with friends you have lost connection with and be allowed to have a short memorable time to rekindle the friendship of your youth.

When you take the time to go home you have the time to rest, relax and rejuvenate. You may think resting while home is something of impossibility. Well, not necessarily. Once your family has gotten use to the idea of being home for a couple of days,  the re-winding time begins. Now the 3r’s are not the same during the holidays as any other time. Why? This time is for the family activity of shopping, cooking and possibly exchanging gifts. It is your time to enjoy the company of your loved ones and friends. Being home during this time you are usually catered to and made to feel like a special guest, especially if you are unable to get home often. You may not feel totally rejuvenated until you are packed and ready to leave.

pic courtesy of delmartimes.net

Family traditions are one of the real reasons you will enjoy going home during the holidays.

The tradition of trimming the tree, holiday shopping with family, having a family dinner, attending a religious service with family members or just everyone getting together could all possibly be great family traditions to enjoy during your time home. You may think that you don’t have a family tradition to go home to; well it doesn’t have to be some big extravagant activity. It could be something as simple as having dinner together and talking and reminiscing about the “old days”.

The thought of going home for the holidays should not be laborious, it should be joyous and a time to cherish. If you only go home at certain times, allow this time to be the time for enjoyment.

However, if your home is not a place of peace of harmony, and you have an invitation to accompany someone else this could be a time to surround yourself with friends so you will not be alone.

pic courtesy of learningenglishwithmichelle.blog

pic courtesy of learningenglishwithmichelle.blog

Going home for the holidays does not have to be a trip of dread but a time to enjoy your family and friends during a time you are not required to work.

Anytime you can take off from work to unwind and slow your life down just a bit should be a time of enjoyment.

If you can go home, consider doing so, time is valuable and it is one commodity you can neither sale or save. It is simply there to enjoy for the moment while you can.

About nextphasemom

I am a married mother of 2 college age children. Now that my children are grown attending college and working I find myself lost and wondering what to do with myself. In my loneliness I thought I would do what I love and that is write. Now that I am at retirement status I look forward to creating the next phase of my life. To start I am expressing myself through writing. It has always been relaxing for me so I thought I would share some of my thoughts. I am also a self-help fanatic and I try to live an inspired life daily. On occasion I am able to encourage and inspire those around me in a no nonsense way. For those that know me know that when you ask me for my opinion that you will get "the truth"; they know that if you don't want "the truth" don't ask me. No....I am not rude or abusive. I just point out ideas or points of interest that they have not considered or don't want to accept. A lot of my friends call me "the counselor". No..I am not a certified professional counselor but I love psychology. My degree background is business and I am employed in Customer Service. So talking to people on a regular basis is what I do to assist them in finding solutions. Well that is enough about me for now....to be continued because I am ever changing. Take your time to look around and please leave a comment so I will know that you stopped by...until then.
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